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About Me:


I'm Kendal, a girl constantly looking for a new adventure, a good laugh, or a nap. I'm the kind of person who has learned the importance of resiliency, and nearly perfected the art of it. I pride myself on being the "good kind of weird"- the result of being the creative middle sister, and being the “funniest person in the room". I love a glass (bottle) of wine, feminism, fashion, and traveling. I've always had a knack for understanding people and a desire to help them through life's everyday obstacles. I was born with a need to be creative, an itch to make people laugh and the uncanny idea I could take on everything I dreamed of from fashion to writing…so in 2016 I've made a platform to connect all my passions. Cheers to celebrating life and talking about the parts that aren't so great too!

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